Friday, November 14, 2008



We've had a few days of it being really cold and me wearing 2-4 layers sometimes! Our apartment is surrounded by cement walls so it just keeps our place always cold! At night we wrap up in blankets and put boiling water into our water bottles and hold onto them to warm us up! Each night we also throw a hot water bottle into our beds to warm them up before we go to sleep.

Today was the official day the government turns on the heat... so its starting to warm up our home! It will take a little while-our part of the city is heated by coal-smoke stacks.

An estimated 8 million people live in my city

These pictures were taken in September-when it was warmer!

The smokestack is right next to our house!

We live on the 23rd floor! These are the views from our windows on a really clear day (which doesn't happen a lot). We're thankful for when it rains because it always pushes the pollution out.

We are in the process of decorating our apartment! Which includes painting on canvases (the creative side of us is coming out), hanging up our photography, and hanging a huge canvas on one of the walls to post all our pictures and fun stuff we find! Its really beginning to look like a home here! Which we are all so thankful for!

I'll post those pictures as soon as we're all finished! Which will hopefully be by next weekend!


Jenna said...

yah heat and new posts and pics!

Anonymous said...

oooh girl I love your decorating ideas. Especially the large canvas to collage your findings. :) I miss you!
(i erased my last comment, i didn't know if i could post comments from my blog... safe?)