Saturday, October 15, 2011

Spending time with friends

Some of my coworkers and I got together on a Saturday to hang out.  We spent the whole morning making jiaozi 饺子 and had a great time eating them and having girl time together in the afternoon.

A duck in a bag!  This duck had traveled a long way!  It was brought from Nanjing on a train!

The 馅儿 (stuffing)
The art of 包'ing 饺子 (three years in China and I'm still working on my technique)

I love the people I get to work with!  Such great friends!

Eating 东北 (Northwest) style thanks to 王老师 (Mrs. Wang) for making sure we ate it with cucumbers 

Was walking to the BRT (the subway) to head home and was pretty excited to find this little restaurant!  Its a little Xi'an restaurant!  Apparently there are a few of them here, since I moved here I've been trying to hunt them down!  Made my day!

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